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Minimizing the Stress of a Sober Vacation

Girl on holidays with a perfect white smileVacation: time to unwind, let loose, and relax.

For many of us, letting loose used to involve some kind of substance. Now that we are sober, drugs and alcohol can no longer be a part of the relaxation equation. Your sobriety does not have to mean that you can’t enjoy a vacation. Vacation is what you make it, and with a few tips, we’re here to help you combat any sober vacation stress.

The most important way to make a sober vacation your best vacation is to break the association between a good time and drinking or drugs. Rethink what a vacation is. Remember your favorite part of past trips that didn’t involve drugs or alcohol. If you’re a beach person, what is your favorite part of the beach? Do you love wrestling waves in the ocean? Walking the boardwalk? Or are you someone who simply loves to sit in a chair, read a great book and soak up the sun? Cherish these memories and concentrate on re-creating them in your new life of recovery.

Here is another idea for a great sober vacation: research the local treasures of the area you’ll be visiting. With a totally clear (substance-free) head, you have more time to soak up everything around you. History buff? Find a museum. Art lover? Hit the local galleries. Foodie? Every destination has more than enough restaurants to savor. And keep in mind, amazing meals don’t have to include alcohol: these dinners can be even more memorable without it.

Last but not least, take control of the situation. Minimize stress by leaving work behind. If you’re traveling in a group, make sure everyone knows you’re sober. If you are not comfortable sharing that with your companions, bring a supportive friend or partner with you. They can keep your spirits high and your eye on the prize (recovery).

Your sober vacation has the potential to be your best vacation yet: it’s all in what you make of it. Keep these tips in mind and if you have any to add, visit our Facebook page and let us know! We are always happy to learn.

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