Malvern Treatment Centers

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A Message to the Community

A Message to the Community

As we all continue to adjust our lives in response to COVID-19, Malvern Treatment Centers have remained committed to providing quality services to those seeking our help.  Unfortunately, even in the throes of this pandemic, the opioid overdose epidemic has not waned.  With this in mind, we have focused on continuing to meet the needs of those who seek our help while making adjustments that will provide a safe environment for both our patients and staff.  From the beginning of this pandemic, we have followed CDC guidelines to create a robust screening process, daily health checks, and embraced telehealth technology to continue service provision uninterrupted.  All our patients and staff are provided masks, and social distancing is reinforced throughout our facilities. 

What remains unaltered is our commitment to quality services and our focus on the individual in recovery.  We have built on our tradition of addiction treatment services that began over 70 years ago by incorporating evidence-based interventions that include Medication Assisted Therapies, Motivational Interviewing, focused relapse-prevention, Seeking Safety, along with 12-step approaches. 

Our interventions also recognize the importance of linkage and support system engagement.  Our Recovery Oriented Community (ROC) is an important aspect of our continued support of patients and families even as they move on past discharge.  We are continuing to develop our family programming and will be enhancing our services in the near future. 

It is our belief that a holistic approach to treatment offers the best chance of successful recovery.  By recognizing the individual for his/her unique experiences, we can tailor treatment to address not only the physical aspects of addiction, but also the social and emotional needs.  This includes addressing co-morbid psychiatric issues and trauma.  Our goal is to provide a safe, trauma-informed milieu that recognizes the individual beyond their addiction.

As always, we remain committed to quality improvement so that we may continue to provide the best care for the individuals and families who pass through our doors seeking help.  We will continue to collaborate with our providers, payers, and the community to provide a comprehensive continuum of care to maintain Malvern Treatment Centers as the premier provider of behavioral health services in the region.

I encourage you to contact us at any time to schedule an assessment or to gain further information about our programs.

Michael Salazar, Psy.D
VP of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Malvern Treatment Centers

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