Malvern Treatment Centers

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Dr. Mark Combs

Executive Director, Malvern Treatment Centers – Willow Grove

Dr. Combs brings an accomplished record as a behavioral health administrator which is reflected in his transformative approach to training and to leadership. Dr. Combs has formulated innovative organizational changes at some of the largest behavioral health agencies in the country and has consulted nationally on collaborative and person-focused treatment interventions and supports. His vision has focused on the dedicated implementation of evidenced-based treatments which includes bringing a scholar-practice training ethos to organizations as evidenced in numerous practicum/internships and post-doctoral fellowships. Dr. Combs has published on culture, family therapy treatment, and family assessment tools and has been active on governing boards and numerous committees with respect to trauma and recovery-focused care. He consults on the assessment and treatment of individuals and families experiencing mental health challenges and how to incorporate best practices in an array of behavioral health service organizations. Many of the projects he has been associated with have received recognition for achieving sustained clinical benchmarks and treatment efficacy, and in using innovative recovery and trauma-informed care treatment standards.

Dr. Combs holds a Master’s degree and Doctoral degree from the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. He holds a Clinical Fellowship with the American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists, is licensed in the state of Pennsylvania as a Marriage and Family Therapist, and has affiliations with numerous national clinical organizations, and reads extensively on research and the application of promising and alternative approaches in behavioral health care. His training includes advanced clinical certifications and training specializations.

He is an ardent supporter of community well-being, community sustainability, individual self-care, and is active in promoting the quality of life for all individuals which provides the basis for holistic-focused care. In all facets of his career and his years of service, he affirms the uniqueness of each person and their strengths and in the collaborative process of building hope. By recognizing the unique journey each person makes in their own recovery path, Dr. Combs is committed to being a difference-maker and to providing multifaceted systemic solutions to individuals, their families, and to the community at large.