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Common Relapse Triggers

depressed teenagerCurrent research indicates that for addiction treatment to be effective, a patient needs to engage in the treatment process for at least 90 days. But even once you reach recovery, the danger of relapse, unfortunately, may be lurking in the background.

Relapse, “to suffer deterioration after a period of improvement”, is a dangerous backward slide for someone who has just fought addiction with hard work and perseverance.

One of the most common relapse triggers is stress. Stressful environments, especially those where stress used to be alleviated by substance use, can trigger relapse. Similarly, moods can lead to relapse. If a past addict is experiencing consistent bad moods or depression they need be careful about how they are finding relief. Certain calendar dates, especially those which correlate to a stressful memory, can bring one back to an “easier” time in which they turned to a substance for relief. Just as with dates, locations can bring up bad memories and trigger relapse.

As you work your recovery, be aware of the situations around you in which substance abuse feels like the easy, natural path to take. Recovery is hard work, and relapse is easy to slip into. But that journey to recovery wasn’t for nothing: remember why you are here, what motivates you to stay substance-free, and reach out to those who have supported you throughout this journey.

At Malvern Treatment Centers we provide an evidence-based model of clinical care along with a 12-step approach that will provide engagement and monitoring for at least 90 days. The 12-step approach to recovery is proven, effective, and an invaluable part of our programming. For more, call Malvern Treatment Centers: 610-647-0330.

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